Life happens quickly. Babies are born, homes are purchased and other major life events happen daily. These life changes make consumers stop to evaluate their affairs and ensure their loved ones are protected in the event of a tragedy. Often times this initiates a change to or the purchase of a life insurance policy.

For life insurance companies, new business and policy change processes come with a flurry of paper work. Managing the complexities that come with these processes can require significant back-and-forth with the policy holder, and subsequently overhead. Many times these challenges along with increased demands of today’s consumers require life insurers to maintain inflated staffing levels to meet service expectations.

With an OnBase Workflow and Case Management solution implemented by Naviant, portions of these processes can be automated allowing for increased volume, while simultaneously repurposing employee’s time to focus on higher value tasks. Even during times of high volume, OnBase insurance customers have increased efficiency, speed and accuracy. In the case of Kansas City Life, 90 percent of applications are now processed within three days and they have been able to redeploy staff to revenue generating roles, saving money in the process.

A Case Management solution provides a 360 degree view of the information needed to make decisions. OnBase can automatically separate incoming documents into defined work queues and route them electronically to keep the process moving and retain integrity of compliance. Approval requirements can be managed throughout the process to ensure that internal controls are maintained. Reporting dashboards and an audit trail of all activities increase process transparency, support compliance initiatives and help identify opportunities for improvement.

With policy information, customer correspondence and compliance issues all being managed in the same place, employees are empowered to make smart decision faster. With the help of OnBase, users are given the ability to schedule tasks, notifications, and time-based reminders to manage follow up and track any point of customer interaction. Paper, faxes, emails, electronic forms, and phone conversations can all be managed within OnBase.

When the power of a policy management tool, such as LifePro, is leveraged in conjunction with OnBase case management, searching for information is a thing of the past. OnBase keeps underwriters and other decision makers working “heads down”- rather than toggling between applications or searching for information. With a tight integration, data stored in OnBase is easily available without having to leave LifePro, or other policy management systems.

For more information about how Naviant can help give you a competitive advantage through innovation, visit Life Insurance Document Management Case Management ECM Solutions.

About Ema

Ema is a Director of Sales – Enterprise Solutions at Naviant. Ema is passionate about helping organizations navigate Digital Transformation. She has vast experience in helping organizations address their top IT Priorities and developing departmental solutions for process automation to expand the solution throughout the enterprise. She is also the host of Naviant’s Digital Transformation Talks series on YouTube and the Co-Host of the Third Thursday. In these series, experts from the Intelligent Automation and Digital Transformation space come together to share their ideas. When not at work, she is busy chasing after her two daughters, spending time outside, and hosting friends and family for gatherings.