Information fuels your business – and access to that information is key. Is your information access impeded by physical file cabinets, unorganized network file shares, and workers in the field with no means to upload new information? If so, take a step back, assess the information clutter and start building a strategy that allows your organization to capture all the scattered information into one, central content management system – where and when you need to. Consider the options listed in the chart below to help build that strategy.
Are you receiving important information on paper?
If this applies to you, we have options to offer! Firstly, central and outsources scanning may be of help. With it, you can set up or leverage a central scanning operation or invest in outsourcing of the scanning of incoming documents. Secondly, distributed scanning can establish scanning operations at ranch/field offices. Additionally, it allows employees to scan received documents at their desks, department MFPs or front-office locations. Thirdly, electronic forms replace paper forms. With this, it empowers employees and external parties to complete forms wherever they are, on any device. They can also submit the information immediately. Finally, fax import is a solution that helps by importing faxes directly into a content management system, without printing.
Do you have information scattered across disconnected, electronic silos?
This is a very common problem, but electronic file import and email import are helpful solutions. Specifically, electronic file import helps to import scattered electronic content from network share locations and desktops into a content management system. Additionally, email import keeps important emails and attachments alongside related content. It does this by importing emails, either automatically or on an as-needed basis into a content management system.