Enterprise executives are choosing cloud-first innovations at a rapid pace as they pursue digital transformation. However, the fear of potentially disrupting critical data and processes that keep a business running smoothly remains. Some may ask if the risk of moving a system to a proven, albeit aging on-premises enterprise content management system is worth it. First, the reward offered by agile cloud content services platforms is great. Second, it is important to remember that the future of work and how people interact with information is changing. New regulations demand robust information security, and team file sharing and collaboration span time and space. Additionally, intelligent automation is ready for prime time.

Regardless, we get it; choosing to move to the cloud is a tough decision. Fortunately, we can help make that decision easier. How? We can help you identify business process improvements across the enterprise and technology resource freedom in IT. This IDC Technology Spotlight highlights the benefits and advantages of migrating content management to a cloud-based content services approach offered by Hyland.

Cloud Content Services Outpace Traditional On-Premises Content Management

We are seeing a dynamic market shift of content management moving to the cloud driven by optimistic buyer expectations and continuous vendor technology innovation. Cost and business agility are top reasons buyers choose to move to the cloud. Consider that implementation of traditional on-premises systems often takes longer and has higher up-front costs than implementation of their cloud counterparts. On-premises software also requires ongoing budget to support the system, and maintaining it 24 x 7 can be a drain on internal IT staff. Software upgrades, often performed only once a year, will be quickly obsolete given the rapid pace of change today. For example, security protocols are constantly updated to meet the demand and sophistication of data threads. Investment in education and skills to address this demand is time intensive and expensive. In addition, it can’t be forgotten that missing an update may leave organizations vulnerable to costly data breaches.

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