Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent capture technology for AP uses a rules and data-centered approach. This begins with system initiation, where general invoice settings, including potential countries of origin, currencies, tax rates, and business rules are entered into the system. Industry-leading software usually provides a set of standard data fields that users can find and extract, like invoice number, date, amounts and purchase order information. You can also configure additional fields to address specific requirements as needed. These rules determine specifically what information to capture and how to identify it.

Intelligent capture software references enterprise information, including vendor master data, business unit tables, purchase orders, and additional forms of data. It then delivers these to the application from the ERP or financial system in regularly scheduled updates.

The intelligent capture component helps the system to learn continually about the organization’s invoices. It begins with a representative sample of invoices, which it receives by capture. Then, you can review any exceptions and correct them, and the system learns from this unusual case. After it has learned to perfect the management of your most complex invoices, the solution can begin production.

Any Source or Format

Invoices arrive in many formats, from paper and fax to images and emails that are in PDF form. Your intelligent capture system can support the intake of invoices at different points of arrival as well as in different formats, making invoice processing a breeze. Paper invoices are scanned easily on a production scanner, MFP, or a single all-in-one device. Other invoices that may have been sent in an EDI or XML format that is accepted by the financial system can then be directly imported into that system.

The intelligent capture system provides a single, consistent process for all the sources and formats. After the system acquires the invoice document, the system searches for the required fields of information as identified in its configuration. It also extracts and validates the information against rules, logic, and any enterprise data you may have.

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