BPM and Case Management Evolution or Revolution?

I’ve been giving this “BPM vs. case management” thing a lot of thought lately. (I know, get a life.) All the time I read that “case management” evolved from BPM. And it’s just another evolutionary step along the path to complete information enlightenment. I’ve been as guilty as anyone in trying to connect the dots along some kind of “evolutionary scale,” like those posters of early man changing to modern man. Like almost everyone else, I allowed myself to simplify it so much that the “workflow begat BPM begat case management” common perception seemed plausible to me. That’s before I gave it all that thought I talked about a minute ago. Now I can tell you that the evolutionary arc in popular opinion is rubbish.

Value from the Outside-In Case Management with a Customer Focus

Who really benefits from case management capabilities? Many discussions about case management solutions tend to focus on an organization’s knowledge workers—individuals who use their knowledge and discretion to make decisions and move dynamic work forward. And it’s easy to see why. For these employees, case management capabilities make their lives easier, giving them a complete view of the information they need. Work is faster and more effective, tasks are streamlined, conversations are tracked and managed, key data and documents are compiled…

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