Want to learn how to configure OnBase Notes? This blog and the video demo below will show you how.
How to Configure OnBase Notes
How to Configure OnBase Notes
1. First, go into the configuration module in OnBase. You’ll want to go into “document” and select “note types.”
2. Next, create a new note. For this example, we called it “New Note or Annotation.” Once you click create, you will want to assign user groups.
3. Then, assign the Manager user group. And you’ll need to apply the privileges that you want each user group to have too.
Know that when you add another user group, the same privileges from the previous group will be applied to the newly added group. To modify those privileges, just make the changes that you need and select modify for those changes to be applied.
4. Close out of this window and click color. There are custom colors that can be used to distinguish and be used as a visual aid to identify the type of note by the color. For example, accounting notes may be green while HR uses yellow. For this example, we’ll use gray.
5. And once the color is assigned to the note type, go into attributes. There are different settings that can be applied as well as styles that’ll dictate which attributes you can assign. Let’s take a look at each one and what it means:
Your Guide to OnBase Notes Configuration Settings
- So the first difference you’ll see is notes and annotations. The difference between notes and annotations are that notes can be applied anywhere on the document and annotations are specific to a location on the document, which would provide further insight as to the options with highlight with note attached, arrow, ellipse, overlap text, and icon stamp.
- And once you go further down, you’ll find your display options. We have display note open, which will allow the note text to be shown when a user first opens the document compared to the note being closed when that user first opens the document. Secondly, we have the hide window option, which can be used as a security measure to hide the note on an open document. The note or the icon will not be displayed, but the note is still available to users with rights to that note. Also, notes that are configured to be hidden are listed with other notes as well.
- If you select the hide window, create opens window becomes available and is required for the create opens window option to become available. The create opens window allows text to be added to a note on creation. The note and the icon will be hidden in cases where the document is closed and reopened.
- Further down, you’ll see the remains in viewer option, which will allow the note type to remain in the viewer regardless of where the user is on the document, even when scrolling.
- Repeat on all pages will allow the note to be repeated on every page of a multi-page document and repeat on all revisions. So, if you’re creating a revision of a document and OnBase, for example, there’s a multi-page document and page one needs to be the last page of the document instead to keep that as a separate revision of the document. This setting will allow for the note to be applied on all revisions.
- There’s also redaction settings available which will allow users to remove information from documents, but this option only applies to certain file types. If there is any questions or you’re unsure, feel free to reach out to your first line of support.
- Then you have print settings. As a default, this doesn’t regulate user options. Users can choose between note icon or annotation on document, note text on document, or note text after the document.
- We also have always print on document. No matter the user option for this note type, it will always print on the document, which will only print the note icons and not the text.
- You’ll also see never print on document, which is the exact opposite of always print on document. So no matter the user selection for this note type, it will never print on the document.
- For privacy options, if we select “disable privacy options,” this will remove the ability to enable any of the privacy options. Disallow view prohibits all other users from viewing the note. Disallow update prohibits all other users from editing the note. And disallow delete prohibits all other users from deleting the note.
- We also have shortcut keys that can be set. So if we wanted to set the shortcut key as control f to create a new note or whichever is more feasible for the organization. This can be set according to those standards.
- Lastly, we have default text, which will create a note and apply the text when the note is applied to the document. This will save users time if they do not need to add anything else to the note or they can add on to the note as needed.
- And at the very bottom, we have fonts. Fonts can be assigned as needed to assist users in streamlining their work process. For this example video, we decided to leave this as default as well as the other settings and we selected save.
- The next option is the auto name string. Just like a document type in OnBase, each note will have a name that is configured with the auto name setting. We decided to leave this as the default as well, keeping this with the note type as well as the note date.
Once you’ve chosen the settings combination that’s right for your needs, it’s time to click “Save”.
The next note configuration will be the icon. This will allow users to distinguish and provide an additional visual meaning for the user. These are completely optional, but it’s also based on the business’s needs. Once you set an icon, select save, and that completes the configuration of your note.
Once those changes have been made, you’ll want to perform a cache reset by going into utils, service monitoring, reset cache, yes, and okay for those changes to be applied and picked up on the next relaunch of the OnBase application of your choice. And that’s it, you’re now ready to start applying your notes.
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