There are many advantages of cloud storage that have been game-changers for organizations. At the same time, many of these perks double in value by giving organizations a competitive edge. From rapid adaptability to market shifts to scalability without physical restraints, the cloud empowers businesses to position themselves at the forefront of their industries and set the stage for future success. Let’s dive into six ways the cloud delivers a competitive advantage.

6 Ways the Cloud Delivers a Competitive Advantage

1. Respond to Market Changes & Customer Needs Faster

Technology, customer expectations, and industries are constantly evolving. As a result, rapidly adapting to new market demands before your competition is a huge advantage. Fortunately, one of the biggest advantages of cloud storage is its scalability. As a result, cloud-based organizations get just that, as the cloud lets them easily upscale or downscale their computing power, network resources, and storage at any time. This means they can quickly respond to market changes and customer needs, giving them a competitive edge.

2. Expand Your Reach

Cloud services are often distributed across multiple data centers located around the world. As a result, migrating to the cloud allows organizations to expand their geographic reach and take on customers in new regions without needing to build physical infrastructure. Going global means you can minimize delays to create a seamless user experience for markets and customer segments your competition may be unable to serve effectively.

3. Seize Opportunities Before Your Competition

You can boost your agility and cut costs by migrating to the cloud. Managing legacy data infrastructure on-premises can be incredibly time-consuming, expensive, and complicated. And as the data we work with grows exponentially, it’s no longer realistic. The cloud is a far more efficient and cost-friendly way to store and manage growing data volumes. And since the cloud allows you to expand and reduce your data storage as needed, it can also go a long way in boosting your agility. With better agility, you can accomplish faster time-to-market for new products and services, which allows you to secure opportunities before your competitors can.

4. Protect Your Assets

When you migrate to the cloud, you gain access to robust backup, replication, and disaster recovery capabilities. This gain protects your vital business assets from natural disasters, hardware failures, security breaches, and other unexpected disasters. And if such incidents do occur, the cloud enables you to recover quickly with minimal downtime to maintain business continuity. Demonstrating your ability to protect critical assets and maintain operations through adverse conditions can be a huge differentiator when competing for new clients. It also showcases a commitment to business sustainability, risk management, and organizational resilience.

5. Enhance Your Collaboration & Access

The cloud allows your employees to work together in real-time, share knowledge, and solve problems collectively. That’s because hosting in the cloud centralizes data while maintaining security. As a result, all employees with the proper permissions can easily access it, regardless of their location. Additionally, teams can update and upload content from anywhere. No more waiting for your turn to access a document or sorting through documents with multiple versions! These efficiency gains allow your teams to accomplish more in less time, boosting productivity and outperforming the competition.

6. Gain Time to Strengthen Your Solution

Organizations that move to the cloud also unlock valuable time savings. Post-migration, your team will enjoy faster upgrades, faster system performance, and fewer administrative tasks. That’s time you can reallocate to other value-added activities that can help you outdo the competition.

This gain couldn’t have been truer for our client, a New York-based Credit Union that recently moved to the Hyland Cloud. Pre-migration, the Credit Union’s Application Developer and Database Administrator had to spend a significant amount of time on admin tasks to keep the Credit Union’s OnBase system running smoothly. Once they moved, Hyland took over many of these day-to-day administrative tasks. As a result, this employee has been able to shift his focus to finding new ways the Credit Union can use its OnBase system to better serve its organization and its members. Check out the link below to learn more about this client’s cloud migration story.

Pull Ahead of the Competition Now and in the Future

It’s time to say goodbye to the “way we’ve always done things.” That’s not how you’re going to grow your business, and it certainly won’t help you pull ahead of the competition. Don’t wait – embrace the security, efficiency, and growth potential that the cloud brings now.

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About Kara

As a Naviant Content Writer since 2019, Kara is passionate about helping organizations unleash the power of technology to solve their business challenges. In her weekly articles, Kara breaks down the latest research, trends, and tips in the digital transformation world, specializing in intelligent automation, the cloud, AP & HR automation, artificial intelligence, change management, and more. She is also a Copywriter for the American Marketing Association-Madison, where she contributes bimonthly articles that interview industry experts and highlight the latest marketing trends. When she’s not writing, Kara is working on her latest art project, scoping out new music, or out for a run.