When searching for a solution to an operational problem, the question of “enterprise platform or point solution” might not feel so urgent. All you want is a product that will deliver on its promises and solve the issue holding your department back.

However, it’s essential to know that there are significant differences between the two. Choosing the right option can deliver enormous benefits and avoid stress down the road.

To help you determine the option that’s best for your unique situation, we’re breaking down the differences between enterprise platforms and point solutions:

Enterprise Platform VS Point Solutions

What’s the Difference Between an Enterprise Platform and a Point Solution?

Enterprise Platform

Enterprise platforms take an integrated approach, offering a foundation of flexible tools that can solve multiple use cases across your business.

They offer a single platform that lets you build customized workflows to replace the repetitive, manual processes weighing down your organization’s processes. In addition to automation, these solutions’ flexible tools can help you improve your connectivity, productivity, data collection, process control, and more.

Enterprise Platform Pros


Platforms scale with your business. As your needs change, they can adapt to solve new problems and expand to support growth.


You can customize your platform to fulfill your industry’s unique regulations, requirements, integrations, and equipment.

Connect Departments

When your business uses the same platform, you can enjoy better efficiency, visibility, communication, and transparency across departments.

Simple to Manage and Learn

Since platforms are a single foundation with many uses, your employees will only need training for one solution and IT will only have one solution to manage.

Implementation Flexibility

Implementation is flexible, which allows you to pursue further optimization as time goes on and you begin to see results.

Enterprise Platform Cons

It’s an Investment

Enterprise platforms are all-encompassing solutions with many uses. As a result, the initial investment can come at a higher upfront cost than single-use point solutions.

Greater Strategy is Needed to “Go Enterprise.”

To expand your platform across your entire enterprise, you need to get buy-in from all departments. It also requires careful planning and strategy to ensure you’re maximizing your platform’s value.

Point Solution

Point solutions are programs that solve a single challenge or use case, so there are many different point solutions available for various functions. For example, for AP departments, this could be tools that strictly focus on AP automation, payment processing, document management, or other specific functions.

While they may be experts in their niche, point solutions can’t do much else, which often leaves organizations juggling a collection of single-use solutions.

Point Solution Pros

Fast Deployment

Due to their limited scope, point solutions are typically up and running in little time.

Less Expensive

Since they have limited functions, they may be less expensive than enterprise platforms (but not always).

Point Solution Cons


When a new problem arises, you will need to start from scratch to find a solution that can address it. This can lead to “point solution fatigue” as you may end up adding multiple point solutions to solve new problems.

Poor Scalability

Most point solutions cannot scale due to their inability to adapt to new situations.

Management is Complex

The more point solutions you implement, the harder it is for IT to manage the sprawl of it all.

Communication Can Suffer

When all your departments are using different solutions, communication lapses are unavoidable.

Integration Isn’t a Given

Point solutions don’t inherently integrate with your core line of business applications. And when you find a solution that does integrate, it often requires ongoing management to continue working.

Enterprise Platform VS Point Solution: Which One is Better For Your Unique Needs?

There’s no denying that there are multiple point solutions on the market that are excellent at tackling the specific problems they specialize in. But even if a point solution solves one existing problem, treating every issue you face as an isolated incident has its downsides long-term.

A growing collection of single-purpose solutions means rising administrative costs. Every time you add to the pile, not only is it difficult to manage, but you risk triggering new problems if your existing point solutions fail to collaborate or integrate.

Plus, as your business grows and evolves, you’ll need to individually adjust your point solutions to meet your needs.

Ask yourself: Am I setting myself up for a management nightmare down the road?

Enterprise platforms deliver the flexibility and scalability to solve today’s problems and whatever tomorrow brings. These platforms offer choices, providing many roads to potential IT project success versus the single avenue to success that point solutions provide that can lead to point solution fatigue. And when one project ends and you’re ready to add another functionality, it’s easy to execute.

And still, for some organizations, addressing a single problem with a point solution makes sense for their circumstances.

Both solutions truly have their pros and cons, as we’ve seen here.

Got Any Questions?

If you want more guidance on your digital transformation journey, drop a question in the chat – we’d love to help you find your new system.

About Kara

As a Naviant Content Writer since 2019, Kara is passionate about helping organizations unleash the power of technology to solve their business challenges. In her weekly articles, Kara breaks down the latest research, trends, and tips in the digital transformation world, specializing in intelligent automation, the cloud, AP & HR automation, artificial intelligence, change management, and more. She is also a Copywriter for the American Marketing Association-Madison, where she contributes bimonthly articles that interview industry experts and highlight the latest marketing trends. When she’s not writing, Kara is working on her latest art project, scoping out new music, or out for a run.