Want to know what the OnBase data providers in reporting dashboards mean? This blog and the video below will show you the ropes!
What Do The Data Providers In Reporting Dashboards Mean
What Do OnBase Data Providers in Reporting Dashboards Mean?
There are over a dozen different kinds of OnBase data providers. The types available to you will vary depending on what modules you have licensed. But to get you started, here are some of the more common ones you might access:
A Custom SQL Query Provider Type
The custom SQL query provider type retrieves data by executing a SQL statement or restored procedure. It’s the one to use when you can’t get what you need out of the database from any of the other options. If you’re locally hosted, you can also use it to connect to external data sources. Distribution service will provide the date, recipient, subject line, and success or failure to send emails from OnBase.
Document Imaging Query – Time in Queue
Document imaging query time in queue will return time in queue data for a given queue type or the total time from scan to commit, whereas the time in process will return the time to process data for batch processes.
Document Knowledge Transfer
Document knowledge transfer will return data from DKT approval and reading groups.
Document Query
Document query will return keyword data for documents stored in the system.
Workflow Activity
Workflow activity retrieves data about how items moved through workflow. It includes the document handle but does not have access to the document name or keyword values. Instead, it is focused on the workflow’s flow.
Workflow Approval Activity
Workflow approval activity retrieves data about the items that have been in approval management processes and the configuration about the configuration of those processes. The delegation retrieves data about users who are delegating their approval.
Workflow Approval Items
Workflow approval items retrieve data about the documents in approval managements.
Workflow Configuration
Workflow configuration retrieves some very basic data about queue configurations and load balancing.
Workflow Inbox
Workflow inbox retrieves data about items that are currently in workflow. It includes the document handle and the document name but, again does not have access to keyword values.
WorkView retrieves data from WorkView via a module association linked to a WorkView filter.
So, as you can see, the variety of data provider types provides a lot of power and ability to build some extremely useful reports in dashboards and I encourage you to play with them and have fun.
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