One of OnBase’s most powerful features is the ability to create custom queries, allowing for quick, easy access to frequently needed documents.

The video below and this blog will walk you through the 9-step process of configuring and utilizing custom queries in OnBase so you can retrieve your documents with precision and ease.

OnBase Custom Query Configuration & Utilization

9 Steps to Configure and Utilize Custom Queries in OnBase

1. Create Your Custom Query

You will begin in OnBase Configuration, where you can navigate to queries and select custom queries. Here, you can create a new query by simply naming it and hitting the create button.

2. Assign User Groups

Once your query is named, you’ll be prompted to assign user groups. Adding the appropriate user groups will ensure the right people can access the query.

3. Craft End User Instructions

At the top of the configuration, you will see the option to enter instructions for end users. If left blank, the default instructions will display, which will be the words “Search For: [the custom query name]”.

4. Select the Query Type

Next, you’ll select the type of custom query you wish to configure. Different types will have their own effects and the ideal selections for you will vary case by case. To give you an idea of what some of the options can do, here are a couple examples of common selections:

  • Opting for the custom query type “by document type” will limit searches to the selected document types.
  • If you select the “restrict by rights” checkbox, it’ll ensure the query only returns documents that users are authorized to view.

5. Enhance Searchability with Optional Controls

If you select “keyword edit fields” under “optional controls,” which will allow users to retrieve documents based on keyword values.

To refine the search further, you can also:

  • Check the “keyword select list” to allow users to select a keyword value from a drop-down list.
  • Value operators can also be checked to display a drop-down list of operators, such as “equal to,” “greater than,” or “less than.”
  • Binary operators can be checked to allow users to select the “and” or “or” logical operators.

6. Advanced Options for Optimal Results

In the advanced options, select “minimize duplicate documents” to ensure unique search results. You can also make the custom query available as a workflow filter, folder filter, or on mobile devices.

7. Retrieval and Date Search Options

Under retrieval options, choose “view documents” to display returned documents as open documents. For date searches options, select a date range to present a “to” and “from” date range search option. Then, hit save.

Next, hit the “document type” query button. Here, you can add as many document types as you want. Then hit “close.” In the “retrieval keywords” option, we can select which keyword

8. Finalizing and Utilizing Your Custom Query

After saving your custom query, you can add as many document types as you’d like and configure retrieval keywords to set which keyword types the end users can use to limit their search.

You might also set a default date and change the icon for the custom query if you’d like. Next, you can add columns to your search results using the “display columns” option. You can rename and reorder the columns here if you’d like, too. You can also use the “sort columns” option to display the search results in a pre-sorted order based on the values of the data in the columns.

9. Bringing It All Together in the Unity Client

With the configuration complete, head over to the Unity Client to see your custom query in action.

To get there, on the top ribbon, select “custom queries” and navigate to the one you just configured. Note that this custom query can be added to your favorites, personal page, or home page if you’d like.

When conducting a search, simply input the relevant criteria, such as a vendor number, and watch as your tailored search results populate the screen.

By following the steps outlined above, you can harness the power of OnBase to create a seamless document retrieval process tailored to your organization’s needs. When you embrace OnBase’s flexibility, you can truly elevate your document management experience to new heights.


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