gNext Generation Shared Services

For shared services leaders, process automation is not a new concept. In fact, it’s been a critical part of the next generation shared services conversation for years. This has happened progressively as organizations have continued to consolidate services and move their service centers up the maturity ladder.

But with new technologies emerging, like IoT and robotic process automation, what does that mean for automation? Additionally, how will process automation’s own evolution affect your shared services team’s existing or planned automation initiatives?

Here are the top 3 things to keep an eye out for regarding automation and the evolution of shared services talent:

A New Talent Profile

Firstly, automation technologies continue to provide next generation shared services professionals with ever-increasing volumes of data. Data about internal process and system performance, customer behavior, employee preferences, facilities usage and more. Shared services recruiters should look for candidates with the analytical skills to put all of the pieces together and make informed decisions based on data. This is an important consideration regardless of whether the goal is improving current processes or identifying unseen opportunities.

Shared Services as Expert Consultants

Secondly, establishing shared systems and collaborative tools for the business has long been the charter for shared services organizations, but automation technologies are changing the way in which departments and business units share and act on information. Additionally, shared services professionals need to think beyond their functional knowledge and expertise, and instead be more consultative to the business on a broader scale. However, they also need to learn how to ask the right questions about goals and operating procedures in order to craft better solutions for their business partners.

A New Focus for the Service Center

Third of all, the human element will always be necessary. As a result, service centers should reserve the easy tasks for automation. This is because their staff’s brainpower can creatively solve business challenges. In the end, it’s all about empowering a talented workforce with the information it needs to deliver superior service. This should be the aim on both an internal and external level.

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