Sometimes, despite our best efforts, settings between production and development environments drift to a point where the test environment is no longer a true representation of production. You could open Config in both environments, put the windows side by side and crawl through all of the settings, but who has that kind of time or patience? Not to mention the risk of human error. Happily, there are two other options: restoring a backup of the production database, or using the configuration migration utility. Each option has its advantages, as highlighted below.

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About Jennifer

Jennifer (aka Pixie) has over 30 years of experience in the Information Technology field, which includes 13+ years of Systems Administration, 16+ years of developing and implementing technical documentation and training, and 14+ years of supporting OnBase. She has extensive experience with OnBase, SQL, and a firm foundation in computer science. Despite this, she considers herself a well-adjusted nerd with hobbies including gardening (poorly), archery, and knitting in public.